Website of Dr. Almon Leroy Way, Jr.




Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Constitution; Constitutions; Constitutional System; Nature & Central Purpose of Constitutionalism

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Definition; Characteristics; Central Purpose

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Executive Authority - Free Government & the Need for a Strong Executive - Adams, John - A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Human Nature & Popular & Legislative Majorities - Need for Limitations on the Power of Popular & Legislative Majorities - Adams, John - A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1767-1788) - Quotations

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Liberty & Popular & Legislative Majorities - The People as Keepers of Their Own Liberties - Adams, John - A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Limited Government - Balanced Government - Divided & Balanced Political Authority - Checks & Balances

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Limited Government - Constitutional Limitations on Governmental Power - Procedural & Prohibitional Limitations

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Limited Government - Constitutional Limitations on Political Authority; Specification of Procedures & Prohibitions; Divided & Balanced Political Authority

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Limited Government - Constitutionally Limiting Political Authority - Methods

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Rule of Law; Constitutional Oligarchy

Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government) - Separation of Powers & Political Liberty - Montesquieu, Baron Charles Louis de Secondat de - The Spirit of the Laws (1748) - Quotations

Constitutional History, American - Colonial Origins of & Antecedents to the U.S. Constitution

Constitutional History, American - Early American Origins of & Antecedents to the U.S. Constitution - Political & Constitutional Developments Growing out of the American Revulution & Its Aftermath

Constitutional History, American - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - U.S. Constitution Drafted & Proposed

Constitutional History, American - Ratification Campaign - U.S. Constitution Ratifird & Adopted

Constitutional History, American - Scheme of National Government Under The U.S. Constitution - Original Scheme

Constitutional History, English - Constitutional & Political Development - 1066-1558

Constitutional History, English - Constitutional & Political Development - 1558-1603 - Reign of Elizabeth I

Constitutional History, English - Revolution & Constitutional Settlement - 1603-1701

Constitutional History, English/British - System of Government - Eighteenth Century

Constitutional Law & Political Philosophy - Principles, Issues, & Controversies - Articles/Discussion Topics in The Progressive Conservative

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Alberts v. California (1957) - Civil Liberties - First Amendment Rights - Obscenity - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Civil Liberties - First Amendment Rights - Obscenity - Alberts v. California (1957) - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Civil Liberties - First Amendment Rights - Obscenity - Roth v. United States (1957) - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Implied Powers - Constitutional Test Established by the U.S. Supreme Court - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine - Dennis v. United States (1951) - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine - Schenck v. United States (1919) - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Constitutional Interpretation, Theory of - Originalism - Textualism - Judicial Adherence to the Text of the U.S. Constitution & Its Original Meaning

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Dennis v. United States (1951) - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Election Campaign Finance - Government Regulation - Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 - Constitutionality - McConnel v. FEC (2003) - U.S. Supreme Court - Dissenting Opinion - Associate Justice Antonin Scalia

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Implied Powers Doctrine - Judicial Doctrine Supporting Implied Powers of Congress Under the U.S. Constitution - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Judicial Review - Marbury v. Madison (1803) - Quotationa

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Marbury v Madison (1803) - Judicial Review - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) - Implied Powers of Congress - Constitutional Test Established by the U.S. Supreme Court

Constitutional Law, U.S. - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) - Implied Powers Doctrine - Judicial Doctrine Supporting Implied Powers of Congress Under the U.S. Constitution

Constitutional Law, U.S. - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) - Legal Questions Before the U.S. Supreme Court; Holdings (Rulings) of the Supreme Court; Court's Reasoning in Support of Each Holding

Constitutional Law, U.S. - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) - National Supremacy Doctrine - Judicial Doctrine Supporting Supremacy of National Law Over Conflicting State Law

Constitutional Law, U.S. - National Supremacy Doctrine - Judicial Doctrine Supporting Supremacy of National Law Over Conflicting State Law - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Roth v. United States (1957) - Civil Liberties - First Amendment Rights - Obscenity - Quotations

Constitutional Law, U.S. - Schenck v. United States (1919) - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine -Quotations

Constitutional Monarchy - British System of Government

Constitutional Monarchy - United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Constitutional Originalism - Theory of Constitutional Interpretation - Judicial Adherence to the Text of the U.S. Constitution & Its Original Meaning

Constitutional Republic - American System of Government

Constitutional Republic - United States of America

Constitutional Rights - Freedom of Expression - Rights to Free Speech & Free Press - Protection from Censorship & Political Thought Control - Articles/Discussion Topics in The Progressive Conservative

Constitutional Rights - Private Property Rights - Eminent Domain, Private Property, & American Law & Public Policy - Articles/Discussion Topics in The Progressive Conservative

Constitutional System - Definition

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part IV-A - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - Introduction

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part IV-B - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional Sustem - English Constitutional & Political Development - 1066-1558

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part IV-C - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - English Constitutional & Political Development - 1558-1603 - Reign of Elizabeth I

Constitutional System, U.S. - PolSci 201H Part IV-D - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - English Revolution & Constitutional Settlement - 1603-1701

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part IV-E - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - Governmental System - England/Great Britain - Eighteenth Century

Constitutional System, U.S. - PolSci 201H Part IV-F - English Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - Summary & Conclusion

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part V-A1 - Colonial Origins of & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part V-A2 - Early American Origins & Antecedents to the American Constitutional System - Constitutional & Political Developments Growing out of the American Revolution & Its Aftermath

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part V-B - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - U.S. Constitution Drafted & Proposed

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part V-C - Ratification Campaign - U.S. Constitution Ratified & Adopted

Constitutional System, U.S. -Pol Sci 201H Part V-D - Scheme of Government Under the U.S. Constitution - Original Scheme

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-A1 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Constitutionalism (Constitutional Government)

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-A2 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Checks & Balances (Balanced Government)

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-A3 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Republicanism (Republican Government)

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-A4 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Separation of Powers - Separate Legislative, Executive, & Judicial Branches of Government

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-A5 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Strict Legislative Bicameralism - Two Separate & Distinct Chambers of the Legislature

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B1 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Closely-Knit Union of States; Powerful Central Government; Substantial Degree of State Autonomy

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B2 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Constitutional Allocation of Authority Between the National Government & the States

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B3 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Constitutional Allocation of Authority - Powers of Congress Under the U.S. Constitution

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B4 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Constitutional Limitations on State Authority

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B5 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Constitutional Obligations of the National Government to the States

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B6 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Meaning of Federalism Under the U.S. Constitution

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B7 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - National Supremacy -Supremacy of National Law - National Supremacy Clause in the U.S. Constitution

Constitutional System, U.S. - Pol Sci 201H Part VI-B8 - Principal Characteristics of the American Constitutional System - Federalism - Necessary & Proper Clause (Elastic Clause) & the Powers of Congress

Constitutional Textualism - Theory of Constitutional Interpretation - Judicial Adherence to the Text of the U.S. Constitution & Its Original Meaning

Constitutional Theory, U.S. - Madison, James - Federalism, National & State Authority, Enumerated Powers, Separation of Powers, & Checks & Balances

Constitution - Definition & Functions of a Constitution

Constitution, U.S. - Article I - Legislative Branch of the U.S. National Government - Verbatim Document

Constitution, U.S. - Article II - Executive Branch of the U.S. National Government - Verbatim Document

Constitution, U.S. - Article III - Judicial Branch of the U.S. National Government - Verbatim Document

Constitution, U.S. - Article IV - Interstate Relations - Full Faith & Credit; Privileges & Immunities of Citizens; Interstate Rendition (Extradition); Admission of New States into the Union; Protection of the States; Republican Form of Government Guaranteed to Each State - Verbatim Document

Constitution, U.S. - Article V - Constitutional Amendments - Constitutional Amending Procedure

Constitution, U.S. - Article VI - Supremacy of National Law - Content of the Supreme Law of the Land in the U.S.A.

Constitution, U.S. - Article II Ratification of the U.S. Constitution -- Constitutional Ratification Procedure

Constitution, U.S. - Articles of Amendment - Amendments I-X - Federal Bill of Rights

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XI - National Judicial Power & Suits Against the States

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XII - Election of the President - Operation of the Electoral College

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XIII - Slavery Prohibited; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XIV - Citizenship; Rights of Citizens; Privileges & Immunities of Citizens; Due Process of Law; Equal Protection of the Laws; Limitations on State Authority; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XV - Right to Vote - Black Male Suffrage; Limitation on State Authority; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XVI - Federal Income Tax - Power of Congress to Lay & Collect Taxes on Incomes

Constitution, U.S. - Amendment of Amendment - Amendment XVII - Election of U.S. Senators - Direct Popular Election of Senators

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XVIII - Intoxicating Beverages Prohibited; Enforcement Power - Concurrent Power of Congress & the States to Enforce

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XIX - Right to Vote - Women's Suffrage; Limitation on State Authority; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XX - Elimination of Lame Duck Sessions of Congress - Inauguration of the President; Assembling of Congress; Succession to the Presidency; Congress & Succession to the Presidency

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXI - Amendment XVIII Repealed - Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages Repeased

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXII - Presidential Terms - Number of Presidential Terms Limited

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - AmendmentXXIII - Presidential Electors for the District of Columbia

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXIV - Right ro Vote - Taxpaying Qualification for Exercise of the Suffrage Prohibited; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXV - Presidential Succession; Vice Presidential Vacancies; Presidential Disability

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXVI - Right to Vote - Age Qualification for Exercise of the Suffrage by Citizens Eighteen Years of Age or Older Prohibited; Enforcement Power of Congress

Constitution, U.S. - Article of Amendment - Amendment XXVII - Congressional Salary Increases & Decreases

Constitution, U.S. - Changing the Constitution - Proper & Legitimate Means - Hamilton, Alexander - Essay Number 78, The Federalist (1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Checks & Balances - Rationale - Madison, James - Essay Number 51, The Federalist (1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Civil Liberties - First Amendment Rights - Obscenity - Brennan, William J., Jr. - Majority Opinions (Decisions), Roth v. United States & Alberts v. California (1957), U.S. Supreme Court

Constitution, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Marshall, John - Majority Opinion (Decision), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), U.S. Supreme Court - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine - Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Majority Opinion (Decision), Schenck v. United States (1919), U.S. Supreme Court - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Congress - Powers - Scope & Limits - Sedition, Subversion, & the First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger Doctrine - Vinson, Fred M. - Majority Opinion (Decision), Dennis v. United States (1951), U.S. Supreme Court - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Federalism - Madison, James - Prevention of Tyranny & Protection of Liberty

Constitution, U.S. - Federalism - National & State Authority - Centralization of Governmental Power Versus States' Rights - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Judicial Activism - Jefferson, Thomas - Letter to Edward Livingston (1825) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Judicial Independence - Hamilton, Alexander - Essay Number 78,The Federalist (1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Judicial Interpretation - Originalism - Textualism - Adherence to the Text of the U.S. Constitution & Its Original Meaning

Constitution, U.S. - Judicial Review - Hamilton, Alexander - Essay Number 78, The
(1787-1788) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Judicial Review - Marshall, John - Majority Opinion (Decision), Marbury v. Madison (1803), U.S. Supreme Court - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Liberty & Effective Government - Washington, George - Farewell Address (1796) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Links Page (Contents) - Preamble, Articles I-VII, & Amendments I-XXVII

Constitution, U.S. - Madison, James - Prevention of Tyranny & Protection of Liberty - Federalism, Separation of Powers, & Checks & Balances

Constitution, U.S. - Original Document, as Drafted & Proposed by the Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Washington, George - Letters to Colonel David Humphreys (1787) & Marquis de Lafayette (1788) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Articles of Confederation - What the Document Was; Character of the Union of States It Created; Scheme of Central Government It Provided for; Powers of Congress Under the Document; National Executive Under the Document

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Articles of Confederation - What Was Wrong With the Document - Weaknesses of the Central Government Under the Document - Financial & Economic Weaknesses; Military Weaknesses; Structural Weaknesses; the Critical Weakness

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - English/British Antecedents -Jefferson, Thomas - Letter to John Norvell (1807) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - English/British Antecedents - Kirk, Russell - "Prescriptions, Authority, Ordered Freedom" (1964) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - English/British Antecedents - Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner - Popular Government (1885) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Composition, Character, & Outcome - Meeting Time; Place; Membership; Legal Mandate Action Taken; Product

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Compromise With Slavery - Prudence - Practical Wisdom in Constitution-Making - Clarence Thomas

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Conditions That Gave Rise to the Convention - Weak & Impotent Central Government Under the Articles of Confederation; Political Instability & Unbalanced Government in the States

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Delegates - Consensus & Conflict - Agreement Among the Delegates - Constitutionalism; Republicanism; Need for a Stronger National Government; State Autonomy; Balanced Government

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Delegates - Consensus & Conflict - Disagreement Among the Delegates - Central Controversy; Underlying Conflict of Interests; Opposing Blocs of States; Small States Versus Large States; Importance of Resolving the Conflict Over Legislative Representation

Constitution, U.S. - Origins - Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 - Resolution of the Conflict Over Legislative Representation - Connecticut Compromise - What It Was; Key Provisions; the Compromise & the Small States

Constitution, U.S. - Origins -Ratification of the Constitution - Mode of Ratification; Nature of the Political Conflict Over Ratification; Federalist Vesus Antifederalists; Federalist Papers (The Federalist); James Madison's Response to the Antifederalists; Absence of a Bill of Rights in the Proposed Constitution; the Important Political Bargain That Emerged

Constitution, U.S. - Political Obligation - Washington, George - Farewell Address (1796) - Qoutations

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - The Federalist (Federalist Papers) - Editor's Note & Introduction

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 10 - James Madison - Union of States - A Well-Constructed Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction & Violence

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 47 - James Madison - Structure of the New Central Government & Distribution of Political Power Among Its Separate Parts

Constitution, U.S, - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 48 - James Madison - Three Branches of Government, Legislative, Executive, & Judicial - The Three Branches of Government Must Not Be So Strictly Separated & Distinct That They Lack Constitutional Controls over One Another

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 51 - James Madison - Checks & Balances - The Structure of Government Must Provide Effective Checks & Balances Among the Three Different Branches

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 71 - Alexander Hamilton - Executive Branch of the U.S. National Government - Presidential Tenure - Duration in Office Required for Energy in the Executive Authority

Constitution, U.S. - Political Theory Underlying the U.S. Constitution - Federalist 78 - Alexander Hamilton - Judicial Branch of the U.S. National Government - U.S. Courts - Judicial Tenure & Judicial Review

Constitution, U.S. - Powers of the National Government - Broad Construction (Loose, Liberal, or Expansive Interpretation)

Constitution, U.S. - Powers of the National Government - Narrow Construction (Strict, or Restrictive, Interpretation)

Constitution, U.S. - Preamble - Purposes of the U.S. Constitution - Document Verbatim

Constitution, U.S. - Presidency - Origins - English/British Antecedents - Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner - Popular Government (1885) - Quotations

Constitution, U.S. - Separation of Powers & Checks & Balances - Madison, James - Prevention of Tyranny & Protection of Liberty

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - CAIR's Relations With Islamism (Militant Islam) - Hamas; Islamic Association for Palestine; Holy Land Foundation for Relief & Development

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Origins; Leadership; Leadership Under Indictment; Defense of Islamic Terrorists & Their Financiers; Saudi Support; Prince Alwaleed bin Talal; Islamic Development Bank; International Islamic Relief Organization

Counterterrorism - Counterterrorism Policy & National Security, U.S. - Articles/Discussion Topics in The Progressive Conservative

Counterterrorism - Intelligence & Counterterrorism Capabilities & Performance, U.S. - Congressional Inquiry

Criminal Justice Policy - Crime & Punishment - Articles/Discussion Topics in The Progressive Conservative

Cyberland University of North America - Courses

Cyberland University of North America - Political Science 201B - American National Government & Politics - Basic Course

Cyberland University of North America - Political Science 201H - American Political System - Honors Course

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This is not a commercial website. The sole purpose of the website is to share with interested persons information regarding civics, civic and social education, political science, government, politics, law, constitutional law and history, public policy, and political philosophy and history, as well as current and recent political developments, public issues, and political controversies.

An Online Journal of Political Commentary & Analysis
Dr. Almon Leroy Way, Jr., Editor
Conservative & Free-Market Analysis of Government, Politics & Public Policy, Covering Political, Legal, Constitutional, Economic, Cultural, Military, International, Strategic, & Geopolitical Issues

Website of Dr. Almon Leroy Way, Jr.

Government, Politics, Public Policy, Legal Issues, Constitutional Law, Government & the Economy, Cultural Values, Foreign Affairs, International Relations, Military Defense & National Security, Geopolitics, Terrorism & Homeland Security, American National Interests, Political Systems & Processes, Political Institutions, Political Ideologies, & Political Philosophy