By Christopher G. Adamo
Yet, even if the political landscape is shifted significantly to the Right, the damage already being wrought on the nation can continue unabated for many months before the new Congress would have its first opportunity to put a stop to the madness. Considering just how drastic and unrestrained the Leftist efforts to reinvent America have been during the past year and a half, and how severely the many institutions of our once-great and promising nation have been debilitated or destroyed, it is hardly encouraging to consider how much more harm can be inflicted on us before the next Congress convenes in January of 2011.
Furthermore, on several fronts on which the Republican minority, as the ostensible force of the political Right, could and should have held firm, so as to delineate between itself and the Leftist Democrats, its resolve has splintered and often blurred any contrast between the two major political parties in the U.S.A. This abhorrent behavior, which is so indicative of how the “Washington mindset” overrules both loyalty to one’s constituents and even common sense, invariably proves to be a “win/win” for the Democrats, while a consistent loser for the Republican Party.
Nevertheless, those nefarious “Moderates” in the GOP persist, having recently given decisive support to the criminally fraudulent financial “reform” measure, and promising to do likewise during the upcoming confirmation vote of Radical-Leftist and predictably activist Elena Kagan's appointment to the United States Supreme Court. If only the anti-American, unconstitutional, and frequently criminal actions of the Democrats could be plainly attributed to them, without the efforts of “me too” Republicans to cloud the issue, the voting public would have the opportunity to go to the polls presented with a clear choice of how it desires to chart its future.
Still, the sheer force of the Conservative and pro-Constitution groundswell known as the “Tea Party” movement shows great promise for America. Defining issues have noticeably disappeared from the political radar screen in only the past few weeks. In an effort at political “sleight of hand” that, instead, comes across as crass and ham-fisted, the Democratic Party-controlled Congress is refusing to officially pass a federal budget until after the November elections. Perhaps, America is sufficiently naive and dull-witted to enter the voting booths believing that the lack of certified deficits and vast governmental bloat signify a reversal of those abominable levels of spending of the last few years. At least that is the basis of Democratic Party hopes for damage control this coming Fall.
Nor do the current efforts of campaigning Democrats to distance themselves from President Barack Obama represent anything more than the standard political pretentiousness and fraud that runs particularly rampant just prior to pivotal elections. Consider, for example, the complete absence of concern -- ever since inauguration day 2009 -- over the possibility of a presidential veto during the debate and passage of any bill. This situation could only have resulted from the thorough ideological alignment between the Far-Left Democratic-led Congress and the Far-Left Obama administration. Paltry last minute claims by faint-hearted House and Senate Democrats that they are not complicit with the White House only prove their flagrant duplicity, and ultimately confirm their previously established Leftwing Liberal political bent.
Against such a backdrop, Republicans have a golden opportunity to frame the entire political debate in terms that could prove devastating to Democrats. Tuesday’s resounding referendum refuting Obamacare in Missouri, which passed by a three-to-one margin, unequivocally shows just how stridently the American people want their country back. The benefits of restoring the proper role of limited government, and conversely the dire consequences of failing to do so, resonate with the American people whenever real Conservatives in Washington have the courage to make the case.
Every brazen act of Democratic Party hostility towards the U.S. Constitution and its limits on the reach of government should be highlighted as yet another reason to change the political course of the nation. The overreach of the financially irresponsible “stimulus” bill, the illegitimate governmental seizure of major corporations, and the willingness of the Left to play games with the national treasury and national security, all represent incursions by a hostile ruling elite against the rightful domain of a free and enterprising people.
Similarly, every episode of corruption on the part of Democrats needs to remain on display for the American people to see and understand. The actions of corrupt Democratic politicians thoroughly eclipse any Republican wrongdoing over which U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her dutiful minions were so frenzied in their condemnation back in 2006 and 2008. But, in stark contrast to the personal scandals of Republicans that were so sanctimoniously overblown by the Liberal mouthpieces, those politicians who use their positions of power to embezzle and steal represent an abhorrent attack on every decent citizen, and thus a degradation of the entire country. And, in this department, the perpetrators have been overwhelmingly Liberal Democrats.
As America’s finances are formally pillaged, its former freedoms trampled and its standing in the world decimated, the people of the nation are waking up to the genuine threat they face. A Republican plan to not only halt the destruction, but to take essential steps to reverse course, is both a good political strategy going into the election and, in its aftermath, vital to the restoration of the United States of America.
American Government & the U.S. Presidency:
Presidential Politics & National Leadership
American Government & the U.S. Congress:
Congressional Legislative Politics & National Public Policy
The American Political System:
Politics & Government in the U.S.A.
Liberalism Versus Conservatism in American Politics
Traditional Conservatism: Questions & Answers
Conservatism: Attitudes, Types, & Present Status
Constitutional Conservatism: American & British
Classical Liberalism: Intellectual Foundations
Classical Liberalism: Conservative Liberalism
Manchester Liberalism & Social Darwinism
Modern Social "Liberalism": Statist "Liberalism"
Radical & Totalitarian Ideologies
Christopher G. Adamo has been active in Wyoming politics for many years. Contact information for Chris Adamo
and his archives can be found at www.chrisadamo.com
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Dr. Almon Leroy Way, Jr., Editor